Category Archives: Maconnais

2011 Louis Jadot Macon-Villages


For our main course we had alfredo with salmon and peas which came out excellent. We served the 2011 Louis Jadot Macon-Villages. This is an un-oaked Chardonnay from the Maconnais in Burgundy. It’s well documented that we aren’t huge Chardonnay fans here on Grapestorm but there are so many different regions producing different types Chardonnay that it’s our duty to try them all. Maconnais is known for its un-oaked Chardonnay just like Chablis but with a different flavor profile due to geography.

Just like in other French regions there are levels of wine:

Macon: Basic appellation that can be used for any Maconnais wine.


Macon + Village Name


Pouilly-Fuisse is the highest end wine made in Maconnais and will fetch a hefty price. I’ve been told that a simple Macon-Villages is often a much better value at anywhere from $8-$15 with a reputable Pouly Fuisse costing upwards of $50.

MobyGrape: 70.  In the immortal words of someone very dear to me, “Is this supposed to be good?”.  Another chardonnay I didn’t really enjoy, this one was just very, very mild and light, if I were trying to sell it to you I would call it “crisp and refreshing”.  If I were being honest I’d call it well-hydrated rat piss.  Still drank it though, since we were eating a delicious dinner with it and it was so barely-there it didn’t really matter one way or the other.

colonelgrape: 70. I completely agree with Moby on this one. A very light, mild, fruity, and young un-oaked Chardonnay. It came as advertised I just don’t really like it…it’s too boring. I definitely prefer this to oaked Chardonnay, that’s for sure, but I’m just not a fan. If I want a white with a bigger meal I’m having a Gewurztraminer or even a simple Picpoul/Sauv Blanc/Riesling over a Chardonnay.